Sunday, January 8, 2012

That felt OK

So the 38K was pretty comfortable.

The first half was great. Kept a steady pace just under 5:30/km and managed not to get lost. There was a part where I thought I would be smart and run along this road next to the water, which didn't look too busy on Google Maps, but turned out to be narrow and used by trucks, so I ended up running on the train tracks next to it, which were covered in moss, which was slippery because of the rain, so that wasn't super excellent. But that was only for a couple of kilometers.

There was an elevation gain of about 130 meters (450 ft) starting at km 22, which I have actually run many times, but it kind of bugged me as the hill just kept going on forever.

But all in all it was a nice run. There wasn't more than a smattering of rain and my body felt good all the way along. The last three kilometers were once again a bit hard. This time I didn't have any soreness in my thighs, but I definitely found my legs getting heavy, and at about 36.5 I got what I hope was a cramp in my left foot. It wasn't excruciating or anything, but it was surprising in a ow!-where-did-that-come-from? kind of way. It gave out about a half a dozen cries of distress, but I just changed my stride a bit and it was OK.

And when I got home, in my glycogen free state, I had shed that pound. Now for the next one.

Like last time with the 34K, I was a bit tired afterward and for about two hours I just took a bath and spent some time watching Netfix on the couch. Then I stretched some (got to pay attention to those IT bands) and went back to work.

Two weeks until I try the whole enchilada.

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