Saturday, January 7, 2012

Carb Day

I've been starving myself for the past week. I find it really annoying that I have only lost three and a half pounds since the end of October and sat at a flat, flat, flat 150 all through December, so I have spent the past week and a half without rice or bread or potatoes or meat or any of those sorts of things, basically living off vegetables, tofu, protein shakes and a bit of fruit. I'm not sure if it is working, since I usually weight myself after a long run, but it looks like it might be. Hell, I'm only asking to loose a single pound! But a pound is a minute of marathon time, and I intend to take advantage of all the freebie minutes I can get.

Anyway, tomorrow is my 38K long run, and as I'm not so into weight loss that I am willing to risk hitting the wall, I have been fueling up today (potatoes AND toast at lunch, pasta for dinner, and corn chips in between). Let me tell you, if you are bored by eating, this is an easy way to make ho-hum things like a piece of toast with peanut butter seem like a kings feast.

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